Multi-Family Investing is one of the safest investment strategies for a number of reasons. It is diversifying your risk with a single asset. When you invest in a property in a market that is experiencing population and job growth, you can’t go wrong as long as you are not overpaying for your property. There can be immediate appreciation with value-add by rehabbing the property, increasing the occupancy, decreasing the operational expenses. This greatly enhances the ability to grow wealth by reaping the benefits of letting the tenants pay your debt, let the depreciation play its magic and appreciation happen over time. You don’t have to know it all, as we do. We put in a property management company in place that is vetted and has a track record that allows you to keep your worries in bay whether you are a thousand of miles away from the property or in the same city.

The interest rates are at a historic low and they can only go higher from here. We are already seeing it increase now, but it is not too late. Now is the time to lock in a property and experience the growth in equity and return on your investment. This will be one of the best financial decisions you would have ever made.

In all real estate asset classes, multifamily provides a good cap rate and a high return on capital.

Immediate value-add and appreciation by effectively managing the property and cutting expenses and increase rents by attending to deferred maintenance and efficiently improving amenities

Be a responsible participant in the community by providing family friendly and safe living conditions.

Efficient tax strategy to lower taxes by deducting interest expenses and using depreciation

Diversify your Risk by not depending on a single tenant. There is very low possibility that you will have to find tenants for all units at the same time.

Multifamily provides a high ROI as well by using leverage either with an equity partner or a lender

Utilize low interest environment to create long term wealth and financial security.